I am not a Pakistani spy said British Professor Indian-origin Nitasha Kaul on not being allowed to enter India

I am not a Pakistani spy said British Professor Indian-origin Nitasha Kaul on not being allowed to enter India

British Professor: Nitasha Kaul, a professor of political science at Westminster University in Britain, was refused entry to the country by immigration officials at Bengaluru airport. He was taken into custody at the airport itself. According to Professor Nitasha, the authorities sent her back to the UK after 24 hours from the airport.

Professor Kaul is a British citizen of Indian origin. She is a Kashmiri Pandit and often writes against the policies of the Modi government. She is also a famous novelist, writer and poet.

The professor had come on the invitation of the Congress government
Nitasha had come to Bengaluru on the invitation of the Karnataka government to participate in a two-day seminar on ‘Democracy and Constitutional Values’. Let us tell you that at present there is Congress government in Karnataka. Nitasha has written about this incident in several posts on social media that she had all the necessary documents to go to India but she was not allowed to enter India.

He said the immigration officials at the airport did not give him any reason for not allowing him to enter the country. He wrote that the officials only said that they could not do anything about it, ‘the order has come from Delhi.’ The British professor has claimed that some officials informed him that he had criticized the Hindu organization ‘RSS’ and the government, due to which he was not given admission.

British professor sent to London
According to BBC, Nitasha Kaul is an ‘OIC’ card holder. Under this card, citizens of Indian origin living abroad do not require a visa to come to India. She reached Bengaluru on Friday morning and was sent back to London on Saturday morning. He was detained before being sent to London.

User called Nitasha a ‘pawn’ of China
After Professor Nitasha was sent back, many people wrote posts in her support on social media, but a large number of people also made negative comments about her and supported the government’s decision to not allow her to enter the country. . A user wrote in his post on X, ‘How can Congress invite an anti-national professor to visit the country?’ Nitasha Kaul is clearly a pawn of China.

What did Nitasha say?
On receiving a large number of negative comments, Nitasha wrote that ‘I have not married any Pakistani, I have not changed my religion and become a Muslim. I am neither an agent of China nor a member of any gang. He said, ‘My experience was very painful but it insulted not me but the ridiculously frightened government.’

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